I think the word "discipline" brings to mind a sort of drudgery to the mind of many of us. We think it is hard work, pain, or doing with out in life. We have too often looked at discipline in the eyes of a punishment we are trying to avoid. I wonder if we would learn to choose discipline, true discipline how much more blessed life would be.
The athlete who compete goes into training, and training takes great discipline. There is the choice to get up and go through an exercise routine daily, in order to be ready to compete. A musician or an artists also train and practice for hours, days, and years before becoming good at what they do. Nothing in life comes to us with out some sort of training. We should not think that the closer walk with God would be any different.
Much of what I see with discipline is simply how we choose to live each moment and day. Will we spend time with God in prayer? Will we choose time in Scripture over watching the T.V.? Will we choose meditation upon God's Word, over reading the latest novel? Life is filled with choices: who will I spend time with today? What will I eat? Where will I spend my time? Discipline is practicing and choosing the Godly over the worldly. It may take time, but the rewards of blessings and guidance in all things await us.
Keep on your journey with Christ today.