Jesus told Martha, "You are worried and upset about so many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:41-42)
Being a small-town pastor is a lot like running the mom and pop cafe in our village. Every time I walk in for coffee the same man is in the back cooking the food. To keep the business running it takes full commitment, long hours, and a lot of hard work. That leaves little time for pleasure, and requires a lot of focus.
Working through this past holiday weekend, I found myself being convicted by Jesus' words to Martha. There was much to worry about with extra services, breakfasts, nursing home ministry, and some deep spiritual concerns for some of our congregation facing some tough issues. I am like many pastors, seeing needs and concerns that need done I simply take it upon myself to get them done.
I sat alone Saturday evening, finding a few seconds of peace, and I wondered if I were simply falling under the Martha Syndrome. I was so worried about everyone having a good worship and fellowship experience that I was missing the joy of simply enjoying Christ and His hope for us.
I think that many weekends, we who minister find ourselves more like Martha and less like Mary. More worried about doing than simply being. Never forget that we all need to spend our own time with Christ and refreshing. We also need to enjoy the blessings of the worship even as we are called to help to lead it.
Serving on the journey,
Daniel Shipton