Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Jesus Prays For You

In John 17 Jesus prayed for all believers. He prayed that you and I would know and understand the power of being in Him, as He was in the Father. Too often we are so busy in our world today that we are running like a laptop with out it's plug.

This past weekend I noticed that our church laptop was running slow, as I put a couple of slides on the overhead. Then a minute before the worship was to start the projector went blank. I asked if anyone had stopped the power point announcements, but no on had. Then I went up front and found that the plug had been pulled. The slow action should have been a warning. However, at the moment of need for worship the computer was not available.

Jesus knew we had to live in the world, which will pull at our spiritual life, and wear us down physically and mentally. He knew the stress of what it would take to be a real follower of Christ. Yet on the night before He would carry the sin burden of all the world He took time to pray for all who would follow Him. He loves us and He wants us to strong in our walk with Him. Stay in connection, and be blessed by Christ this day.

Keep on Your Journey with Jesus Christ today.

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