Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Called To God

Abraham was called to leave what he knew. He was called away from family ties, traditions, and his past to a new place. The problem is that most of us do not like to go where we do not know. We prefer the comfort of staying where we are. For Abraham leaving would mean going into the unknown. However, the only way that God's blessing would work was by stepping out in faith and into God.

We as the children of God are called to be His. We are called out of the traditions of humanity into a relationship with the God who creates us. We are called out of our present pain, into the promise of being a part of God's family. Jesus came to open a door, and said "Come, Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." He called us to a new life, and the blessings are being a part of building the Kingdom of God. We are not alone, but are going with and under the guidance of Jesus our Great Shepherd and Guide. Follow Him.

Keep on Your Journey with Jesus

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