I know that there are differing views of technology. Many Christians fight change in how we do thing. The fear of the unknown keeps us from trying a new recipe or trying new technology in a church. We as ministers can sometimes be too far one way or the other on the issues of technology in the places we are called to minister.
I do not consider myself a trend setter by any means, but I do try to keep up where I see benefits to those I am shepherding. This week I have been attending a class on ministry using the Web, and I am challenged in my own ideas of how to use technology in a real way to touch lives and help others on their own spiritual journey. In recent months I have improved our church website, by adding online links to daily devotionals, which some in our church already enjoy. I have also recently started a devotion Pod cast to offer encouragement to people through out the week. The devotions are based around whatever the Lord is leading me to preach on the prior week. It is my hope that this additional contact will be picked up by some in my congregation who could use some extra encouragement in their own spiritual walk.
Last night after uploading my message from Sunday onto my free sermon.net account, I checked my status. I was not worried about the number, only to know if anyone is still accessing the weekly messages. Three people are regularly listening to the message. I was thrilled to know that there are others outside the pews, or maybe those listening again to what was being said. I will likely never have the draw of Billy Graham or Andy Stanley, but I can use this web-technology to give extra encouragement to those I minister to in my own small community of the world.
I utilize email for regular contacts, and reminders. I Face Book to keep in touch with many of the younger crowd, who no longer email. I use the church web page to promote and show our church, and now to offer additional spiritual growth to those I am called to shepherd. John Wesley used a horse to get into the world with the message of God. How much more should we not use the vehicle of the internet to carry the message of Christ today.
God bless your journey with Him today.
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