Pastors and church leaders are often driven by passions from a variety of things. Some are driven by the desire to see the community in which they live come to know the personal relationship with Jesus. Others are driven by a passion to encourage people to grow in their personal walk with Christ, and to reach out to the world around them. There are some that really are driven by a passion to hold the Word of God high, and study of the Word drives them.
So what is driving you and your ministry right now? Where is the depth of your passion being drawn? Where our focus and drive is will affect our ministry in so many ways.
We may be driven by a passion for our community, which means our eyes will be open to creative ways to meet new people and invite them into relationship with Christ. However, our drive to meet those outside the faith can for some people cause them to become offensive to brothers and sisters that have been close to them for many years. Christ calls us to love one another, and that includes our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Others may be driven to help those who are believers to grow in deep devotion. However, in this case, but often the focus on devotion may cause us to close our eyes to the needs of those around us. As with many things in life we need to return to balance a balance of working on the inside while seeking the outside. Both parts are important.
May God help us to keep the balance of our being in Him, and our service for Him.
- Keep on the journey,
Daniel Shipton
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