Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Christ Mission Leads us Beyond our Comfort

When Jesus led the disciples through Samaria, instead of to the eastern side of the Jordan it was a time of learning that God's Hope is for everyone. They were traveling a way not normally taken, and going through where people they really didn't love lived. However, they knew the usually road home would have been filled with many who were in opposition to the message.

Jesus didn't despair, because the road taken was different than the usual way. In fact, Jesus used the opportunity to witness to a woman by a well in the heat of the day. He latter reminded the disciples that His food was to do God's will in reaching the world. There are some great things to learn about Jesus going outside of the usual way that we should keep in mind in our daily routine and witness for Jesus.

  1. God will challenge us to look outside our normal routine in order to reach the souls of the world around us. a. Sometimes God has to forcibly move us to the place where He wants us to be.

2. To reach new people for Jesus, it takes fresh and new approaches
a. This is true in going to every new culture of our world
i. The Culture of an area
ii. The Culture of a people
iii. The Culture of a generation
3) We must reach people where they are: their level of understanding and their need
4) The Methods of Reaching change, but the Message for the heart never changes
a. Jesus never accepted the woman’s sinful life
b. Jesus did love her as a person
c. Jesus did not accept the woman’s mixed up version of the truth

5) What this means for us & reaching our world:
a.We must be open to where the Holy Spirit leads us
b. We must realize we live in a Secular Society, and we must reach people where they live
c. We must learn to understand the culture we live in, so that we can be missionaries to our own society
d. We must not compromise the truth of Scripture
e. We must make the truth understandable to the Culture we live in

We must step up, and step out where ever Christ calls us. We must be the witness to our world.

- God Bless your Journey with Jesus today

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